In Toronto there are 2.503.281 people. they are from different countries, they have different religion, race, culture, costumes… That is a wonderful thing, that mean s that Toronto has became a modern city. The society has progress, they become more open minded.

There are many religions in Toronto, I am going to explain you what are they about:
- Anglican Diocese of Toronto; founded in 1839, is the most populous of the 30 dioceses in the Anglican Church of Canada. The geographical area extends over 26,000 square kilometres, stretching from Mississauga to Brighton and north to Haliburton. Some 272 churches in 217 parishes are located in the Diocese.
- Archdiocese of Toronto; you will find a family of faith that is alive and at work in our community. Comprised of nearly 1.7 Million Catholics, 225 parishes and 4 missions.
- Bloor street united church; they are a community of about 450 Christians on downtown, who for the past 114 years, have been celebrating God's loving presence and listening for God's prophetic word. In the spirit of Jesus, we strive to carry that love and word into the world and warmly welcome all who wish to join us.

There race also conform that idea of progress, social adaptation and looks that the racism is part of the past, in this new present everybody values the same in front of the law, everybody has the same rights, they are completely free. Because to many people arrive in Toronto from his native country it makes that the different races can live together, Asians, black, white, European …

Each person from another country brings here his culture. It makes that everyone shares it with the Torontonians which makes Toronto a sophisticated country.
For African people there is a tradition which they have doing for more than a hundred years ago. The parent’s of the engaged treat to decide the price that the guy must to pay to his future wife's family.
Asian culture is millenary, they proud of them and don’t want to change it. They do not like to show his feelings, and because of it they see with bad eyes to greet kissing in the cheeks, though it is between women.

The European people are more gentelman, we use to open the doors for everyone, ask the other people in the room before we decide something. Also de timetable is quite different, we have dinner lunch and breakfast later than here.
Finally I think that Toronto his one of the most importants cultural cities in the world, you can every culture of the planet.
Words by Iñigo Martiarena; photos by Sophie Pelletier
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